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Anyone out there wants a free Barbie Doll Forum?

Posted by Helen on September 28, 2017

I’m so fed up with the BFC forum, it has lots glitches and is so very hard to navigate, I don’t understand why Mattel has to use this outdated “Pluck” software–this company is out of business years ago, without updates, it wont cooperate with newer browsers.

If Mattel does not want to spend money on new software, then, there are lots of free forum that are very user-friendly.. To prove, I set up one…

I don’t think I have the energy to manage a forum, I can’t even keep my blog alive… so if someone is interested in this free board, its yours, I’ll hand it over to you… take a look, its free and it has Chat room, too! Even if you want to be a premium member, it only costs $10 per year. I think its good enough you just stay as free.

so if you have a little group of friends who need a place to discuss dolls and like to chat online, this board is perfect…

2 Responses to “Anyone out there wants a free Barbie Doll Forum?”

  1. Dee said

    That’s a good idea. But you better change the name before they sue you. One thing for sure is that your forum would work like it should (unlike the BS)

    • helen said

      dot worry about the lawsuit, lol — Mattel isn’t what it used to be. besides, it probably can not win the case if I hire a lawyer who can outsmart Mattel’s, Mattel might have to pay me just like it did to Bratz.

      the board is actually called “arbieCollectors” (the letter B is not included in my registration with the RunBoard site, RunBoard automatically put letter “B” before each name of the board you choose, if you choose “helen” as the board name, it would be read as Bhelen…. “Barbie Collector” is a registered trademark under certain categories, such as doll, doll fashion….. Mattel does not have the right to every category. not online forum. Many people are Barbie Collectors–that is the fact. If these people can prove they called themselves “Barbie Collectors” or used “Barbie Collectors” on their stuffs before Mattel registered “Barbie Collector(s)” as a trademark, Mattel could lose its right—Also, RunBoard is not a US domain, that makes the case more complicated. Mattel has the money and I don’t, whom would be the loser if a lawsuit is involved? of course someone who has the money to lose.

      “Barbie Collector” was registered in 2004. it renewed and its still alive,http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4803:mxzd17.2.1

      however, the “BarbieCollector.com” trademark is dead. http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4803:mxzd17.2.2 the “official Barbie fan Club” trademark is also dead.http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4803:mxzd17.2.3

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