Helen's Doll Saga

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‘Tis the season to declutter

Posted by Helen on November 30, 2013

Black Friday might have made many shoppers happy, sales were everywhere. Barbie Collector offered 20% off on all the dolls including club dolls, I attempted to buy,  but I know its time for me to stop my madness. things have been out of control.

for whatever reasons  or emotional problems I have,  the result is that I bought tons of dolls.

besides doll, I also bought hundreds  of Scarves, Millions of Greeting Cards, billions of Yards of Fabric, etc. they clutter up  &  take as much space as dolls do.  I live in a Junkyard. what a shame!

I messed up my place,  also messed up my life. its time for a change.  Dolls no longer bring  me joy, but cause  more depression & anxiety.   I have to stop purchasing and start managing.

some dark & dusty corners of my rooms: (these are just a very small part of  playline or inexpensive dolls, my prized dolls are not shown. lol)

I give myself a year to clean things up!

21 Responses to “‘Tis the season to declutter”

  1. MajorMistakes said

    I fully understand you- we may all have different reasons, but results are same. After some time of avoiding confrontation with our real problems all those things we use- dolls, clothes, food etc. doesnt bring us joy and satisfaction anymore, just shame and troubles. I’m glad you have will to change it, and I hope you will find strenght to do it. Those dolls you showed here are adorable and they stole a sigh from me, but I understand that noone can live in a warehouse.
    Take care- slowly, but surely you will be more than fine 🙂

    • helen said

      Thanks for the support! its going to be pretty hard to stand straight and face the real problems. I’ll take it really slow. first thing first: no more purchases!

      then, I can start sorting out my feelings and dolls.

  2. Minetta Brown said

    I know what you mean!I have stopped buying high priced Barbies at Mattel,(I have gone into OOAK)But I started to un-dress my extras and buy dresses from Helen WU.Redress & I am happy.It takes up my time & I feel like I have accomplished something positive.:)

    • helen said

      Netta, its great that you feel accomplished! doll collecting means to bring you joy & creativities. I you are a great Fashionista, know how to pick dress es for your dolls.

      I’d feel accomplished, too, if all the rooms are tidy & clean

  3. davedave84 said

    I understand your predicament completely. I’ve several times gone way, way over my budget to get Barbies and Barbie accessories. When I first started collecting, I would get whatever Barbies I came across in thrift stores and the cheap ones at the regular stores. Now I have probably a few hundred, my last count was a few years ago at over fifty, and that was at the start of my addic- er, collecting…. Recently I have come to realize that I need to get rid of the dolls I don’t adore, mostly the dolls I acquired from thrifting etc that aren’t as thrilling as others I have come to own over the years. I would be stressed over it as well, but I am on some medication for my depression that also helps my OCD tendencies. I’ve spent far too much money, not only for a normal person but for someone who is on disability and makes 8800 dollars a year (yes, 8800). I have mostly stopped buying the ‘standard’ Barbies that I don’t adore. I haven’t started selling what I plan to part with, mostly because I’m lazy and I put it off, since it seems like it’s going to be a big ordeal.

    • helen said

      thanks Dave. I wish you’ll find new chances and make a little bit more $$$$ next year. life isnt easy for anyone. but we’ll support each other to do better!

      I watch the “buried alive” reality show, hoarders started hoarding when they lost someone in their life. When I started collecting, I was happy & easy. Now things have gone really wrong. not only I’ve experienced tremendous losses in my life, but also I can foresee what I am going to lose. unfortunately, Barbie wont solve any of my problems but only add more. I should have known better.

  4. Oh Helen, I understand! We decided to move over the thanksgiving weekend. I lost count at twenty boxes full of dolls! LoL And i havent even gotten to my sewing room yet! Hopefully i will sort and manage things as i unpack!
    Good luck to you. And yeah….i got a few things during the pink friday sale…all sale items except one. LoL


    • helen said

      congrats on your new house, Janet! and best luck with your sewing works. oh, how I wish I had a new house a new place for a new start…

  5. Lori said

    Sending you hugs, Helen! You are a strong and beautiful lady! I’m here if you need to talk!

  6. Helen, I completely understand what you’re going through. I have some serious issues I’m avoiding dealing with too, and I’ve been using food to cope. Only it isn’t helping, and is probably making things worse.

    I know we don’t know each other, but if you ever want to talk, feel free to email me. ❤ Also, I had an idea for managing your doll collection — what if you sold some of the dolls you're not crazy about along with the gorgeous dresses you sell on Doll Nut? I bet a lot of people would love to buy an outfit that also comes with the perfect doll to match. Just a thought!

  7. Oh Helen, I am so sorry to hear that dolls no longer bring you joy! You yourself are such a sweet doll…it makes me unhappy to know that you are having to work through some things. I hope that you know that you have tons of fans who love you and are here for you. We will take the journey with you if you’d like. Or we will just be here for morale support. To some degree, I think most people are the same (be it dolls or trips or husbands that they collect), but it takes maturity to stand up and take a stance to put things right. I wish you much success on your journey and please know that I am here for you if you need anything!!! LUV YA!!

    • helen said

      Thanks SO MUCH, Stephanie! I appreciate your support and kind words. I’ll keep you updated when things get better. b/c of severe lower back pain, I have not done anything to sort through my things. I only opened a suit case, there were 13 dolls in it, I put all of them on eBay, that’s the one & only small step I made. I need to sort my thoughts clear first, and have the sense of purpose to live on….

  8. Heather said

    Hi I love your dolls collection as a child I never could afford Barbie and now have a huge problem I just can not pass her by in the store.I use it as well to avoid everyday issues it does tend to clutter.I started buying them used and dressing them to donate and churches and toy drives for children in need.If you would be interested in selling any of them I would be interested if you like.I know I need to declutter my dolls as well as my life I commend you for taking that step forward many blessings and merry Christmas Heather

    • helen said

      Thank you, Heather!!

      I made no progress in organzing my dolls or tiding up my rooms. I fell ill on Dec 5th, have been dealing with my well-beings. I will post again when all the pains are gone & I am ready to reorganze my collections. stay tuned and happy holidays to you, too~

  9. Romona said

    I feel your pain, but please know that we support you. Even if you never buy another doll, your blog, fashions, musings, and creations bring us joy.

  10. dollz4moi said

    Hey Helen, I’m late as usual. I’m in the same predicament. I have way too much to enjoy what I really love. I have been slowly but surely putting stuff on ebay. I also have to start using thedollpage more. I have also been sending dolls to others for different causes. I want to get back to happy with my collection. I’m using this year to declutter and organize. I bypass those awesome sales and didn’t rejoin BC to keep me on the straight and narrow. Ever want to chat you can email me

    Anika :O)

    • helen said

      Thank you, Anika, for sharing your experiences. I vowed to downsize my doll collections, and by the end of the year, I should have my living spaces back and friends can come to visit me as before I was a collector!

  11. Sandra said

    Helen, the same has happened to me. Way more dolls than I could ever enjoy. But if you want to sell the green-haired Steffie let me know. You haven’t rejoined BFC yet? I actually did. LOL.

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